How do we generate useful and quality leads?
Posted Date •12 March 2021
Most of the companies have various challenges to create lead generation flow strategy, they are often uncertain how to start, where to start, what tools can be utilized, etc. We help them providing quality leads based on the business goals on a regular interval to nurture the B2B sales opportunities. We have a combination of automated nurturing systems and manual web research team to ensure that our clients can scale up their marketing and sales efforts diligently in a phased manner.

How do we generate useful and quality leads?

Most of the web sites often provide the service providers name, address and provider’s website name and usually telephone and email would not be available on their respective site and it’s quite challenging to get them. The leads would not add any value without having a valid email and valid telephone number.
Most of the small size companies often use as a lead generator machine so let us take an example, Yelp provides service provider’s company name, address, working hours, telephone and website name however if your business is pretty much involved in digital email marketing service to create a brand value and provide holistic information about what services you offer to the potential clients then it would not add value without having a valid email so how do we solve the problem.
First and foremost, we will brainstorm with you to understand your business goal, targeted industries, region, etc. which you would like to focus on! Based on that, we will set the rules and filter to refine the criteria specific to your interested segment.
Secondly, once we get the leads based on the search algorithm, we will remove some of the unwanted noises such as duplicate records, some of the records might not have telephone and website information so we will clean the data to make sure that leads are useful. Once the cleanup activity has been completed, then will consolidate all the website urls and apply a strategy called “broad crawl”.
This approach helps us to crawl all the pages of the website to look for an email id. Most of the websites have email address in the contact page, at least 70% of them have email address. These email addresses are generic however it will be more useful for the small business, often times these email addresses are being managed by the founders of the companies so you will be able to reach founders directly.
The above strategy might not be directly beneficial for mid and large-scale companies, the reason is mid and large-scale companies have multiple business units, and multiple decision-making heads based on the specific segment so it’s very important to identify the exact decision makers so we would highly recommend to use public directories, professional social media platforms, etc
Once the contact information has been found from the respective site, based on the nature of
your business and region.
e.g. Xing is predominately used in
Europe region so we tend to go with Xing for the initial lead generation preparatory work.
We use “email tester” (our own internal tool) for validating the email by default however we can have 3-layer email validation through “Never Bounce and Zero Bounce” and it might slightly increase the cost however it strengthens your business reputation.
The final delivery would not have any hard-bounced emails and leads will be delivered based on prescribed format after our thorough internal audit quality check. We transform your business through enriched and quality data using our vast industry experience which will be meaningful and useful for analytical purposes to make the right decision and transform your data into strategic business asset. We support your business with utmost care and your success is very important for us.